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Jadamayadi Choornam


M.R.P: ₹60.00
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Jadamayadi Choornam

Jadamayadi Choornam

Jatamayadi Choornam includes a short list of ingredients that can be easily blended in equal amounts. When applied to inflamed or swollen joints, it is most effective in reducing discomfort.

Uses & Benefits:

Reduces inflammation in joints – When applied externally, Jatamayadi Choornam is an excellent solution to relieve oedema and discomfort. The medicated paste effectively brings down the swelling, and burning sensation as it is Pittahara (mitigates Pitta dosha).

Treats rheumatic pains – Jatamayadi Choornam functions in reducing swelling and treats all joint disorders. It is helpful in treating Vatarakta and Amavata.

Relieves burning sensation – The powder is traditionally used with a suitable amount of rice water or tamarind leaf juice, made into a thick paste, and administered to the affected area. This helps in the betterment of the burning sensation over the joints or affected area.



It is the best medicine to relieve swelling and burning sensations. It also works as an excellent nervine relaxant, lowers blood pressure, and prevents bacterial infections.


Amaya synonymous with Kushta, is very effective in treating pain, swelling, and other inflammatory diseases. It balances the excess Vata and relieves pain from the body. Kushta is widely used to treat many skin conditions, diseases of respiratory origin, etc.

KUNDURU (Guggulu)

It is a rich antioxidative and anti-inflammatory action. It promotes healthy weight loss and manages cholesterol.


It may function as a pain reliever by inhibiting the transmission of pain signals through the central nervous system. It promotes strength and vitality.


Mix Jadamayadi Choornam with water or juice of Garcinia indica(Vrakshamla) and apply gently over the affected area.

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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