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Ajamamsa’ or goat’s meat is hailed by classic Ayurvedic literature as the meat most conducive to the human body. It strengthens the bones and muscles, replenishes the bone marrow and imparts vitality and vigour.

Ajamamsa rasayana is a nourishing herbal jam that brings together the therapeutic properties of Ajamamsa (goat’s meat), Aswagandha (Withania somnifera) and Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens)

Features & Benefits

An excellent health supplement that promotes body mass and strength without being fattening.
Reaches into deeper dhatus (body tissues) and nourishes from within.
Enhances immunity, vitality and vigour. Significant aphrodisiac property.
A good remedy for emaciation. Helps regain strength in convalescing patients.
Improves fertility and sexual performance, particularly in males.
It is recommended for regaining strength after delivery or miscarriage.

Dosage & Directions for Use

Adult: 10-15 gms at bedtime, ideally followed by a glass of warm milk.

Child: 3-5 gms at bedtime, ideally followed by a glass of warm milk.

Suitable for all ages.

AJAMAMSA (Goat’s meat)

Mutton meat. Mutton is particularly nutrient-dense, and the richest source of thiamin, vitamins B6 and B12, phosphorus, iron, and copper. Regular consumption of lamb may promote muscle growth, maintenance, and performance. Besides, it helps prevent anemia.

VASA(Adathoda vasica)

Commonly known as Malabar nut. A decoction of the leaves of Vasa may be used to help with cough and other symptoms of colds. The Paste of the leaves is applied to relieve inflammation, pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and skin disorders. Vasa powder along with honey is considered to be beneficial in cases of respiratory infections such as whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma as it helps promote the secretion of sputum from the air passages due to its expectorant property. It reduces joint pain and swelling associated with arthritis and gout. It also reduces cramps due to its antispasmodic property.

BALA(Sida cordifolia)

The word Bala means strength. Bala powder along with honey or milk twice daily helps to manage erectile dysfunction in men due to its Vajikarna (aphrodisiac) property. It also improves immunity due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property. Useful to treat diseases like fever, weight loss, asthma, chronic bowel complaints, and nervous system disorders.


It includes the roots of 10 shrubs including Bilwa, Agnimantha, Shyonaka, Kashmari, Patala, Sariva, Kantakari, Shalaparni, Prishniparni, and Gokshura. Imbued with potent analgesic, antipyretic, and temperature reducing properties, Dashamoola is used effectively in treating different types of fever. Used for pain disorders and inflammatory diseases including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc but also frequently used as an enema as it helps to alleviate constipation.

ASHWAGANDHA(Withania somnifera)

Commonly known as Indian ginseng. It can reduce anxiety and stress, help fight depression, boost fertility and testosterone in men, and even boost brain function. Supplementing with Aswagandha may be an easy and effective way to improve your health and quality of life.

SHUNTI(Zingiber officinale)

It’s the dry form of ginger. Effective drug to relieve flatulence and bloating of the abdomen. Dry ginger powder helps in the digestion and elimination of toxins. It acts as an anti-diarrheal and anti dysenteric. Shunti can be chewed in case of bloating of the abdomen gives sudden relief.

ELA(Elettaria cardamomum)

Called as the true cardamom. Widely used due to its aroma and medicinal uses. Cardamom is chewed in bad breath conditions. It is very beneficial in the congestion of the lungs and other pulmonary diseases. It is also used as a laxative and used to prevent stomach pain, flatulence, and gripping.

TVAK(Syzygium aromaticum)

It’s the aromatic flower buds clove. Clove is most commonly applied directly to the gums for toothache, pain control during dental work, and other dental-related issues. Clove oil has biological activities, such as antibacterial, antifungal, insecticidal, and antioxidant properties, and is used traditionally as a savoring agent and antimicrobial material in food.

LAVAGNA(Cinnamomum zylanicum)

It is used in flatulent dyspepsia, dyspepsia with nausea, intestinal colic, and digestive atony associated with cold and weak conditions. It is known to relieve nausea and vomiting, and because of its mild astringency. It is particularly used for infantile diarrhea.

JATI(Myristica fragrans)

Commonly known as nutmeg. its ability to relieve pain, soothe indigestion, strengthen cognitive function, detoxify the body, boost skin health, alleviate oral conditions, reduce insomnia, increase immune system function, and prevent leukemia, and improve blood circulation. A thin paste of jati applied over black circles give good result.

JEERA(Cuminum cyminum)

Commonly known as cumin. Cumin seeds are boiled in water and used as drinking water. Cumin seeds stimulate the digestive enzymes which reduce bloating. It is also used as a liver tonic, digestive, antidiarrhoeal, and to control parasitic infections and boost the immune system.

BAKUCHI(Psoralea corylifolia)

Commonly known as purple flebane. The facemask made from Bakuchi gives good results over the pigmented area. It has anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, and anti-hyperglycemic properties. Used in scorpion bite. It is good to cure dyspnoea, asthma, bronchitis, and various disorders associated with the respiratory tract.

DHANYAKA(Coriandrum sativum)

Commonly known as coriander. Coriander promotes liver functions and bowel movements. Coriander seed helps in reducing bad cholesterol and promotes good cholesterol in the body. It has hot potency, promotes digestive fire and manages all kind of fever. In foods, coriander is used as a culinary spice and to prevent food poisoning. In manufacturing, coriander is used as a flavoring agent in medicines and tobacco and as a fragrance in cosmetics and soaps. Drinking coriander water in the morning can help improve digestion throughout the day, and boost metabolism. Both these properties can help aid the weight loss process. Strengthens the hair: Coriander is known to be rich in vitamins like Vitamin K, C, and A. All these are very vital for hair strength and growth.

MARICHA(Piper nigrum)

Commonly known as black pepper. Commonly used spice in the kitchen. Its properties include Antidepressant, Antifungal, Antidiarrhoeal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti mutagenic, Anti-metastatic activity. Crushed pepper with honey relieves cold and steam inhalation along with eucalyptus reduces chest congestion.

NAGAKESARA(Messua ferrea)

Commonly known as Indian rose chestnut. The dried flowers are used in the case of bleeding piles, dysentery with mucus, irritability of the stomach, excessive perspiration, skin infections, cough, and indigestion. Nagakesara flowers are also used as an astringent and for snakebite and scorpion stings.

JYOTHISHMATI(Celastrus paniculatus)

It has anti-arthritic, wound healing, hypolipidemic, and antioxidant properties. Seed oil is used locally as well as internally to stimulate intellect and appetite, to sharpen memory, and to reduce headache and joint pain (arthritis).

KUTAJA(Hollerhena antidysentrica)

Prominent benefit in managing diarrhea and dysentery due to its antimicrobial activity. It is also useful for managing bleeding piles due to its astringent property. Taking Kutaja powder along with water after having light food to manage diarrhea and dysentery. Washing wounds with Kutaja water helps in faster wound healing due to its Ropana (healing) property.

VIDANGA(Embelia Ribes)

Commonly known as false black pepper. This herb helps to relieve constipation. When consumed in form of tea it helps in the emptying of the bowel. It normalizes Agni and prevents indigestion. It has laxative, antifungal, antibacterial properties.

VRIHI(Oryza sativa)

It’s a variety of rice. Common food material. Excellent source of carbohydrates; good energy source; low fat, low salt, and no cholesterol; good source of vitamins and minerals, gluten-free. Water after boiling rice is used when the person feels weak and has indigestion.

HARIDRA(Curcuma longa)

Commonly known as turmeric and easily found in the kitchen. Possess anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti oxidant properties. The drug is commonly used in insect bites, indigestion, anorectal conditions like hemorrhoids, etc. Turmeric powder mixed in water and taken in the early morning eliminates the toxins from the body.

PIPPALI(Piper longum)

Commonly called Indian long pepper. Effective in different respiratory tract diseases. It provides relief from cough and congestion and also helps in removing phlegm deposits from the respiratory tract. Also improves appetite and digestion, as well as to treat stomachache, heartburn, indigestion, intestinal gas, diarrhea, and cholera.

TILATAILAM(Sesamum Indicum)

Commonly known as sesame oil also has anti inflammatory and analgesic effects. The topical application of sesame oil is found to relieve chronic inflammations. It is also helpful in increasing the flexibility of muscles and protects joints from oxidative stress due to its anti oxidant properties.

Specialty: 100 % Natural.

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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