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Black Forest Honey


M.R.P: ₹220.00
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Black Forest Honey

Black Forest Honey 100% Natural

The benefits of an individual forest honey will be specific to that variety. Some may be more beneficial for respiratory health, others, digestive health, and so on. All forest honeys have high levels of antioxidants, probiotics, vitamins and mineral. They also have greater power against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Health benefits of Black forest honey

Honey, in general, has a number of medicinal uses. It’s a natural source of energy and it helps to strengthen and support your immune system.

“Ancient Olympic athletes would eat honey and dried figs to enhance their performance. This has now been verified with modern studies, showing that it is superior in maintaining glycogen levels and improving recovery time than other sweeteners.”

As much as it keeps you energized during the day though, when the time comes, it can also help you sleep. Honey increases insulin in the body and releases serotonin, a hormone that converts to melatonin which is responsible for sleep regulation.

Honey is also useful for treating sore throats and coughs. Whether you take it right from the spoon, mix it with hot lemon water or use it in recipes for cough syrup or drops, honey has long been known for its usefulness against cold symptoms like these. Many scientific studies back up this particular piece of folk wisdom.

Honey is excellent for both skin and hair.  It helps to moisturize, but it also works to clear up skin conditions like rashes, breakouts and dandruff. It kills off bacteria that causes these issues and returns your skin to a comfortable, beautiful state.

Honey can also be used topically to treat wounds and burns. It is antimicrobial, so it disinfects the affected area and encourages healing. Again, this has been widely studied. Honey has even been found to be more effective than antibiotic ointments for treating minor burns.

These benefits can be found in any pure honey. Organic honey will typically be of higher quality and raw honey contains living probiotics and enzymes that have great benefits (stay tuned for our post on the benefits of raw honey over pasteurized honey, tomorrow).

Forest honeys have another level of nutrition, though, beyond what flower honey provides. This is partly why they are so sought after despite their relatively high cost.

The benefits of an individual forest honey will be specific to that variety. Some may be more beneficial for respiratory health, others, digestive health, and so on.

All forest honeys have high levels of antioxidants, probiotics, vitamins and mineral. They also have greater power against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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