Chikungunya is a virus that infects humans and is spread through mosquito bites. Fever, chills, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, joint pain with or without joint swelling, and a rash that resembles Dengue fever are all signs of Chikungunya. According to Charaka, the krimi rogas, can be dealt with in three ways. Nidana parivarjana (to prevent the causes that cause disease), apakarshana (removal of krimi from the affected site), and Prakriti Vighata are three of them (changing the environment, which favorable for the growth of microbes). The idea seems to be somewhat close to current microbiology and medical practice.
Though there is no clear mention of Chikungunya, it can be compared to the disorder in which Jvara is linked to arthritis. We may find such references in Ayurvedic literature where fever is linked to arthralgia/arthritis. In several cases, the symptoms of Vata Pitta Jvara and Vata Kapha Jvara are close to those of Chikungunya fever. Bhava Prakkasha's description of Sandhigata Sannipata Jvara is equivalent to Chikungunya fever. Fever, joint pains and swelling, sleeplessness, cough, and other symptoms characterize Sandhigata Sannipata Jvara. Sharada jvara is a seasonal fever that occurs prior to the rainy season and is usually caused by viral fevers, according to the Bhela Samhita.
Management of Chikungunya in Siddha
Chikungunya is a virus that does not cause death. Chikungunya care modalities can be classified into two groups: symptom modifiers and general health promoters; more precisely, medications that enhance Quality of Life (QOL) and vector control measures/agents are both effective in the management of Chikungunya. There are many >Siddha medicine for chikungunya
Chikungunya Symptoms
- Anti-pyretic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Analgesics
- Skin diseases
- Anti-pruritic
- Antitussive
- Anti-dysphonic
- Anti-diarrheal
Commonly used Siddha medicines in the management of Chikungunya symptoms Fever:
Brahmanatha Bhairavam
SKM Brahmananda Bhairavam Tablets is a Siddha medicine uses for all kinds of fever.
- All kinds of fever
- All states of delirium
Dosage of SKM Brahmananda Bhairavam Tablets
- 1 pill with 3 ml of fresh ginger juice or 3 ml of honey after food twice daily.
- As directed by the Physician
Linga Chenduram
Jaya Indian Medicine Linga Chenduram is a classical Siddha medicine in powdered form, uses to treat Delirium, diarrhea, abdominal distention, sulai, Vaayu, etc.
Indications of Linga Chenduram:
Fever, viral fevers, malaria, vatha diseases, diabetes, etc
- Take 30-50mg twice a day, mixed with honey
- As directed by a physician
Thrikaduku Choornam
Thirikadugu / Trikatu / Thirikadugam choornam is an ancient Siddha herbal drug prepared by Siddhars. As a home remedy, this is a clear and perfect combination of popular spices. Thirikadugu was widely combined in dose with other Siddha drugs to enhance the bioavailability of the medication even before modern medicine was aware of this term. Dry ginger, pepper, and long pepper are present in the substance in proportions of 1:1:1. It is a strong antioxidant that fights free radicals created by the body, stopping the chain reaction until it causes harm to the body.
Since all of the ingredients have antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties, it is a perfect immune booster. Ingredients have the ability to lower bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol.
Fever with Arthritis:
Vishnu Chakram Tablet
Impcops Vishnu Chakram Tablet is a Siddha bhasma in tablet form used for hiccup, Regurgitation, Pakka soolai, Janni.
Dosage of Impcops Vishnu Chakram Tablet
Take 1-2 tablets with Honey,ginger juice once or twice a day
SKM Vathasura Kudineer Churnam
Vathasura Kudineer Chooranam from SKM is an herbal and Ayurvedic powder that is used to treat different forms of flu as well as the fever that comes with it. It also aids in the relief of fever symptoms. Since it is an herbal remedy, it has no side effects. Vathasura Kudineer Chooranam is a Siddha medication that is used to treat diseases that are extremely dangerous, such as swine flu.
Benefits of SKM Vathasura Kudineer Churnam
The substance is entirely herbal, with ingredients that are both safe and non-contagious to our bodies. It is available to people of all ages, but only with a doctor's prescription. If an individual is taking other homeopathic drugs, the chooranam will not interact with them. Herbal medication for the treatment of different forms of fevers and influenza.
Other formulations
Nilavembu Kudineer Choornam
This powdered formulation, Nilavembu kudineer choornam, is a well-known Siddha medicine. This Chooranam's nine herbal ingredients have potent medicinal properties that can be used to treat and prevent a variety of infections. It is also found in many ayurvedic medicinal preparations that assist in the relief of headaches, muscle aches, body aches, and lack of energy, exhaustion, and weakness, among other ailments. It can also help with chikungunya rashes, as well as knee pain, muscle pain, hip swelling, and joint swelling. chikungunya siddha medicine online.
Nilavembu for Chikungunya
Andrographolide, a bioactive ingredient, has potent anti-CHIKV properties and is critical in preventing the Chikungunya virus from spreading and replicating. Fever, joint pain, muscle pain, and other symptoms can all be minimized with Nilavembu Kudineer Choornam preparations. It can be taken with Ashwagandha, Giloy, Punarnava, Tulsi, and formulations like Kaishore Guggulu, Prabal Pishti, Sadanga paniya, Tribhuvan Kirti rasa, and others for fast relief.
Nilavembu is a bitter herb that has a wide range of health benefits. It is commonly used for treating flu and feverish symptoms, controlling cough and cold, sore throat, treating respiratory illnesses, preventing viral infections, encouraging digestion, and many other uses due to the goodness of the essential bio-active ingredients.
Amukkara Choornam
Amukkara Choornam is a Siddha medicine that is used to treat insomnia, splenomegaly, anemia, pneumonitis, pruritus, wheezing, and spasms. It can also help with arthritic conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and back pain. It can help with leucorrhoea, debility, hiccups, and coughs caused by lungs that are thin. Amukkara choornam is traditionally used to alleviate arthritic pain in the treatment of chikungunya.
Indications of amukkara choornam
The use of Amukkara Churnam is advised in the following cases:
- Insomnia
- General weakness or debility
- Splenomegaly (spleen enlargement)
- Anemia
- Pruritus
- Pneumonitis
- Wheezing
- Spasm
- Gonorrhea
- Cough due to the weakness of the lungs or due to lung disease
Amukkara, also known as Ashwagandha, is the main ingredient in this medicine (Withania somnifera). Amukkara Choornam has anti-arthritic properties and offers symptomatic relief in rheumatoid arthritis. It helps in the burning of metabolic waste and toxins, the cause of all disease. It helps digestion by encouraging the liver to produce bile, which is essential for fat digestion and absorption. It also helps to stabilize the Kapha dosha. Buy Santhigiri Amukkura Choornam Online on our e-store Pharmayush
Dosage of Amukkara Choornam
1-2 grams of powder with milk, Ghee, or honey, is recommended. It is recommended that you take it twice a day.
Excess mucous in Kapha roga should be taken with honey, while excess mucous in Vata roga should be taken with ghee. Take with milk to promote resilience, fatigue, and sleep disorders, among other things.
Chikungunya is a disease that does not cause death. Chikungunya care modalities can be classified into two groups: symptom modifiers and general health promoters; more precisely, medications that enhance Quality of Life (QOL) and vector control measures/agents are both effective in the management of Chikungunya. Diet and Lifestyle is the most important thing to managing Chikungunya. Diseases are classified in the Siddha system of medicine based on symptoms, humor vitiation, and treatment options. The most common and prominent symptoms in this clinical organization are fever and arthritis, which must be investigated for a possible link to Chikungunya. The symptom fever has thus been divided into many clinical bodies in the Siddha system of medicine.