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M.R.P: ₹265.00
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Product Description

Inflammation is the underlying cause of morbidity and disease. Ayurveda views inflammation as a pathological derangement of Kapha – Pitta doshas in the body. The offensive dosha element aided by vata vitiates the circulating blood and allied metabolic activities. With time it manifests as various inflammatory conditions of skin, joints and bones.

Guggulutiktakam ghrta is a potent herbal ghee that reaches deep into body tissue and roots out pain, swelling and metabolic waste. The natural steroid Guggulusterone aids in bringing about sustained pain relief and healing.

Ghrtas (medicated ghees) are combinations of fats and aqeous extract of medicinal plants. The medicinal active principles in the form of juices, decoctions and fresh ground paste of herbs and roots, are gradually infused into pure ghee at a stipulated temperature. The human body is accustomed to ‘ghrta’ or ghee by birth. For the same reason, therapeutic formulations based in ghee can be adminstered for long periods with sustained results.

Features & Benefits

  • Guggulutiktaka Kashaya presents a synergy of Nimba (Azhadiracta indica) , Patola (Tricosanthes lobata), Vyaghri (Solanum indicum) , Guduchi (Tinosporia cordifolia) and Vasa (Adathoda vasica) characterised by Tikta rasa and excellent raktasodhaka property, combined with choice Vata-hara drugs and purified Guggulu.
  • Cleanses and detoxifies circulating blood and lymph.
  • Draws out deep tissue inflammatory pain and swelling. Stimulates cellular metabolism. Purges out endotoxins.
  • Uniquely nourishing to the bones and allied structures like tendons, ligament and cartilage. Has specific action on bones and joints.Used in managing osteoarthritis and other degenerative disorders.
  • Excellent remedy for pain, swelling and loss of funtion associated with rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, tenditis, bursitis etc.
  • Widely used in managing chronic skin disorders like psoriasis, herpes, and urticaria.
  • The heating property of Guggulu in regular doses is an established remedy for Vata-Kapha dysfunction. Guggulusterone, a natural steroid remedies pain and swelling. Used in managing life style disorders, especially obesity and diabetes.

Dosage & Directions for Use

Adult: 10-15 ml, early morning on empty stomach, or at bedtime, followed by half a glass of lukewarm water, as recommended by the Physician

Child: 5-7 ml, early morning on empty stomach, or at bedtime, followed by half a glass of lukewarm water, as recommended by the Physician

Recommended for safe use in adults. Maybe adapted for use in children, in physician advised doses.


NIMBA (Azardirachta indica)

They are commonly known as neem tree. Neem is used for various skin diseases, eye disorders, ulcers, gum diseases for birth control. It is also used as a mosquito repellent. Neem leaf paste is used as a home remedy for the skin.

GULUCHI (Tinospora cordifolia)

Guduchi is a well-recognized and widely distributed traditional plant that is used successfully in Indian Ayurveda medicine. Guduchi helps increase the effectiveness of protective white blood cells which fight infection. The herb also augments immune responses to infections by influencing various immune effector cells and ensures early recovery. It’s effective in Infections in the respiratory system, skin, and soft tissues, Infected wounds, especially in diabetic conditions and immune-compromised conditions.

VASA (Adathoda vasica.)

Vasa powder, along with honey, is considered to be beneficial in cases of respiratory infections such as whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma as it helps promote the secretion of sputum from the air passages due to its expectorant property. Vasa might also help manage the symptoms of arthritis due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces joint pain and swelling associated with arthritis and gout. It also reduces cramps due to its antispasmodic property.

PATOLA (Trichosanthus dioica)

Patola or pointed gourd is recommended in liver disorders. It nourishes the liver and corrects all its functions..It improves the working of the digestive system and helps in maintaining skin health.

BRIHATI ( Solanum indicum )

The use of Brihati in this oil helps reduce Vata disorders. It treats different types of skin infection and nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.

VIDANGA (Embilia ribes)

commonly-known as false black pepper, has various medicinal properties and is used in various ayurvedic formulations.Vidanga is generally used to expel worms and parasites from the stomach due to its anthelmintic properties. It is beneficial for indigestion and also helps to manage constipation due to its laxative property.

DEVADARU (Cedrus deodara)

Himalayan cedar.it is very effective in neurological disorders, asthma, pruritis, infested wound. Devadaru is also effective in arthritis and headache. Deodar oil contains two major sesquiterpenoids a – and ß- himachalenes. Deodardione and deodardione  are also isolated from the essential oil. The oil shows in-vitro antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity.

DARUHARIDRA (Berberis aristata)

Also known as haldi, this vibrant yellow coloured spice checks the worsening of pitta doshas like jaundice. The powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of turmeric help in evading infections and treats various skin conditions. Tree Turmeric is a revered herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Possessing antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antiseptic properties, the herb is used as a cholagogue, stomachic, laxative and diaphoretic.

KUSHTA ( Sausseria lappa)

Kushta is a well-used drug in ayurveda that has a good antiinflammatory and antibacterial property. It also helps in preventing infections.

MARICHA (Piper nigrum)

Commonly known as black pepper, it is a common ingredient in the kitchen. Its properties include antidepressant, antifungal, antidiarrhoeal, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, anti-metastatic activity. Crushed pepper with honey relieves cold, and steam inhalation along with eucalyptus reduces chest congestion.

MANJISHTA (Rubia Cordifolia)

Manjistha or Indian Madder is considered to be one of the best blood-purifying herbs. It is mainly used to break down blockages in the blood flow and remove stagnant blood.Manjistha herb can be used both internally and externally on skin for promoting skin whitening .It helps manage acne and pimples by inhibiting the growth of acne-causing bacteria due to its antioxidant property.


Guggulu is made from the sap (gum resin) of the (Commiphora mukul) tree, which is native to India. This tree has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, and Ayurvedic texts dating back to 600 BC recommend it for treating atherosclerosis. Obesity,acne etc. Indian Bdellium contains resin, volatile oils and gum. The extracts have ketonic steroid compounds known as guggulsterones. E- and Z-guggulsterones are the compounds that are responsible for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

Specialty: 100% Natural. Herbo-mineral. Vegetarian

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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