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Jumbolene capsule


M.R.P: ₹500.00
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Jumbolene capsule

100 NOS

Each 450 mg capsule is processed out of;

Eugenia jumbolana (Naval) =50 mg
Gymnema sylvestre (Sirukurinchan) =50 mg
Mesua ferrea (Sirunagapoo) =50 mg
Azadiracta indica (Vembu) =50 mg
Cassia auriculata (Avarai) =50 mg
Coccinia indica (Kovai) =50 mg
Strychnus potatorum (Thetrankottai) =50 mg
Calx of Dross gypsum (Silasathu parpam)=50 mg
Calx of Dross mica (Apiraka parpam) =50 mg

Packing : 10×10 Blister
Indications : Effective medicine for Diabetis mellitus. Also good
for burning sensation, increased thirst, tiredness &
emaciation due to Diabetis.
Dosage : One capsule twice daily after food
Notes : It is more effective if it is administered with
Panchamridweekarasam in controlling
Hypercholestremia in Diabetis mellitus.

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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