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Nadee Kashayam

Nagarjuna Herbals

M.R.P: ₹160.00
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Nadee Kashayam

Nadee Kashayam is a concentrated decoction prepared out of natural herbal ingredients, which Consist of water soluble active principles.

Indication: Effective in injury to marma(vital points), fracture, sciatica and brachial neuralgia.

Dose :  Kashayam  5 – 15 ml diluted with 15 –  45 ml of water twice daily before food or as directed by physician.

Side effects: No known side effects, over dose may induce gastric irritation. Use this medicine under medical supervision.


SI.NO Sanskrit name Botanical name
  Dashamoola 10 roots
1 Bilva Aegle marmelos
2 Shyonaka Oroxylum indicum
3 Gambhari Gmelina arborea
4 Patala Stereospermum suaveolens
5 Agnimantha Premna mucronata
6 Shalaparni Desmodium gangeticum
7 Prishnaparni Uraria picta
8 Brihati Solanum indicum
9 Kantakari Solanum xanthocarpum
10 Gokshura Tribulus terrestris
11 Balamoola Sida rhombifolia
12 Haritaki Terminalia chebula
13 Vibitaki Terminalia bellirica
14 Amalaki Emblica officinalis
15 Chiraytha Swertia chiraita
16 Yavasa Alhagi camelorum
17 Maricha Piper nigrum
18 Rasna Alpinia galanga
19 Mustha Cyperus rotundus
20 Parpata Fumaria indica
21 Usheera Vetiveria zizanioides
22 Chandana Santalum album
23 Udichya Pavonia odorata
24 Shunti Zingiber officinale
  Jeeraka traya:
25 Jeeraka Cuminum cyminum
26 Krishna jeeraka Carum bulbocastrum
27 Upakunchika Nigella sativa
28 Ajaji Croton tiglium
29 Yashti Glycyrrhiza glabra
30 Uluvacha(Methika) Trigonella foneum
31 Devadaru Cedrus deodara
32 Mudga Vigna radiata
33 Panchangula(Eranda) Ricinus communis
34 Manjyala(Haridra) Curcuma longa
35 Ashali(Alasi) Linum usitatissimum
36 Manjyalum(Dharuharidra) Berberis aristata
37 Khataka Strychnos potatorum
38 Nimbi twak  Azadiracta indica

Method of preparation of Kashayam:  Herbal ingredients (coarse powder) 1 part boiled in 16 parts of water and reduced to 4 part.

Method  of Storage: Stored in airtight container in dry place.

Ayurvedic Properties of Nadee Kashayam :

Roga karma:  Sarvanadigatha rogas, kasa, shwasa and marmabhigatha.

Dosha karma: Tridoshahara mainly vatahara.

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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