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E T M Oushadasala

M.R.P: ₹70.00
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SITAPIPPALI (LABEL) is a Trademark filed by Thaikkattu Mooss E.t.m. Oushadhasala (i) Ltd. So Thaikkattu Mooss E.t.m. Oushadhasala (i) Ltd is the proprietor and owner of the Brand SITAPIPPALI (LABEL) as per Trademark Registry's Records.

Trademark Applicant Thaikkattu Mooss E.t.m. Oushadhasala (i) Ltd applied for the Trademark SITAPIPPALI (LABEL) on 2006-07-03. The SITAPIPPALI (LABEL) Trademark is applied as a (Device Logo/Wordmark) to be Registered under IP India Records.

As per government Records the Trademark SITAPIPPALI (LABEL) has been applied under TM Class 5. As per the IP India Website The Goods and Services covered under Trademark Class 5 by Thaikkattu Mooss E.t.m. Oushadhasala 

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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