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Punga Thailam


M.R.P: ₹149.00
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Punga Thailam

Useful inchronic ulcers, wound and skin diseases. External application only. Apply freely, frequently as much as required.The seed oil is given as a stomachic and cholagogue in the treatment of dyspepsia and cases of sluggish liver

It is used externally as a liniment for rubbing on skin diseases and rheumatic joints

 It has been shown to be effective in enhancing the pigmentation of skin affected by leucoderma or scabies

The powdered seed is given as an expectorant in the treatment of bronchitis and whooping cough and is also prescribed as a febrifuge and tonic
A paste made from the powdered seed is spread on sores and rheumatic joints

An infusion of the leaves is used to relieve rheumatism


A decoction is used as a cough remedy




The leaves are crushed and applied as a poultice for the treatment of parasitic skin diseases and to relieve bleeding hemorrhoids




The expressed juice is used on herpes and itches

The flowers are claimed to have anti-diabetic action

The fresh stem bark is astringent and is taken internally to relieve bleeding hemorrhoids


 It is also applied to reduce the enlargement of the spleen




The root bark contains a bitter alkaloid and is used as an abortifacient


The antiseptic root juice is put on sores and ulcers and used to clean teeth








It is useful for anaiththu kuttam[ all types of skin disorders],


it cures padai [ fungal infections of the skin],




it cures karapan[ eczema],


it cures araiappu[ bubo],


it cures vettai [ type of STD],


it cures leprosy[ kuttam/ thozhunoigal].






5 to 7 drops with palm jaggery or cane sugar in an empty stomach in the morning for one leave one week gap and repeat the dosage for one week again

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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