VALLARAI is a Siddha herbal according to Charak Samhita, regular intake of Vallarai works as a cognitive enhancer – Medhya ;Medhya Rasayanas are a group of medicinal plants described in Ayurveda (Indian system of medicine) with multi-fold benefits, specifically to improve memory and intellect by Prabhava (specific action). Medha means intellect and/or retention and Rasayana means therapeutic procedure or preparation that on regular practice will boost nourishment, health, memory, intellect, immunity, and hence longevity.
Vallarai Nei is useful for Meganoigal (hot flush),
It is useful for Pramegam (Polyurea), Madhumegam (diabetes mellitus),
It is useful for Dantimegam (passing of urine along with pus),
It is useful for Vettai noigal (gonorrhoeal infections),
It is useful for Granthi (glandular enlargements),
It is useful for Neeradaippu Neerarugal (strangury),
It is useful for Neererichchal and Mooththira choodu (scalding of urine),
It is useful for Kannerichchal (burning sensation of the eyes),
It is useful for Kanpugaichchal (blurring of vision),
It is useful for Sarvaanga udalerichchal (burning sensation all over the body),
It is useful for Moolachoodu (irritative anus) and Kshaya rogam (emaciation).
It drastically reduces the severity of excessive heat and cools the system. It is a distinct urinary sedative.
5-10ml with lukewarm water twice a day before food.
Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and
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