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Hair O max Oil

Nupal Remedies

M.R.P: ₹284.00
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Hair O max Oil

Hair O max Oil

100 ML

The primary cause of hair fall has been scientifically proven to be due to internal metabolic imbalance and Hairomax capsule is the best remedy.
Hairomax capsule is a safe Rasayana preparation which is being prescribed by Vaidyavachaspathi N.K Padmanaban Vaidyar for many decades for hair fall.
-Stops hair fall and protects hair from premature graying and dandruff.
-To increase the beauty and glow of your hair, apply Hairomax oil before bath.
For better results, use oil & capsule continuously for 3 months.

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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