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Thalisapathiri Chooranam

Earth India Naturals

M.R.P: ₹338.00
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Thalisapathiri Chooranam

It is a mixture of  seven dry herbal powder along with suger used in the treatment of respiratory and digestive system related disorders

Indication: Upper respiratory tract infection like cold, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, lower respiratory tract infection like bronchitis, laryngitis, Asthama, dry or productive cough. Digestive system disorders like vomiting, loss of appetite, indigestion, distaste, flatulence, malabsorption syndrome.

Dose: Adult: 1 to  3 grams along with hot water or honey three to four times daily after food( for dry cough talisadi choorna along with honey and ghee & for productive cough along with honey gives good result) Infants: 1 pinch with honey three times a day after feeding. Children : 4 pinch with honey three times a day after food.

Side effects: May induce gastric irritation in higher dose, Used with caution in Diabetic patients as it contain suger.

Contraindication: only pitta aggravated condition


SI No Sanskrit name Botanical Name Quantity
1 Talisa Abies webbiana 12 grams
2 Maricha Piper nigrum 24 grams
3 Shunti Zingiber officinale 36 grams
4 Pippali Piper longum 48 grams
5 Vamshalochana Bambusa bambos 60 grams
6 Ela Elettaria cardamum 6 grams
7 Twak Cinnamum zeylanicum 6 grams
8 Sharkara Suger 384 grams

Method of Preparation: The above ingredients are powdered separately and mixed together,  stored in airtight container in dryplace.

Shelf life period: around 6 month.

Reference : Sharangdhara samhitha Madhyamakhanda 6/130 , AFI.

Ayurvedic properties:

Roga karma: Aruchi, kasa, shwasa, jwara, chardi, athisara, shosha, grahani, pandu, pliharoga, hrithshula and parshwashula.

Dosha karma: Kaphavatahara.

Agni karma: Deepana, pachana.

Other gunas: Kapha lekhana, srotoshodana, ruchya, shulahara.

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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