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Anarsha Capsule

Bal Vedics

M.R.P: ₹925.00
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Anarsha Capsule

Anarsha Capsule 100'S

Bal Vedics (Bal Pharma) - Anarsha Capsule

A mass of dilated ,tortuous veins in the anorectum involving the veinous plexuses of that area constitutes hemorrhoids. Usually there is no detectable cause, but they may occur because of blockage to the passage of blood draining the intestines.They are also associated with constipation, and sometimes develop during pregnancy, when growing uterus hampers venous return from pelvic organs. Anaemia usually develops due to persistent loss of blood. Hemorrhoids can be effectively cured with Ayurvedic treatment, unless they are large 3rd or 4th degree ones or get additionally complicated with thrombosis or strangulation, wherein surgical intervention is required.

ANARSHA CAPSULE offers an effective oral therapy for treatment of hemorrhoids and fissure-in-ano without the inconvenience of local application of gel, ointment or cumbersome haemarrhoidectomy, cryosurgery, ligation, etc.

Mode of Action :

  • Both the herbs in this product are anti-hemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic
  • Anarsha Capsule acts as a laxative by inducing soft bowl evacuation.
  • Anarsha Capsule is also helpful in fistula-in ano and pruritis ani, as it has antihelminthic action.
  • Anarsha Capsule Acts as a hem styptic and also checks mucous discharge.
  • Anarsha Capsule Acts as a laxative and improves digestion.

Indications for use of Bal Vedics (Bal Pharma) Anarsha Capsule :

  • Hemorrhoids/piles.
  • Also useful in fistula-in-ano and anal fissures.

The composition of Bal Vedics Anarsha Capsule (Each Anarsha Capsule Contains Extracts Equivalent to) :

  • Dusparsha (Tragia involucrata) 400mg
  • Patha (Cissampelos pareira) 400mg

The dosage of Bal Vedics (Bal Pharma) Anarsha Capsule :

2 capsules twice daily with water or buttermilk or as directed by the physician.

Dietary Advice for using Bal Vedics Anarsha Capsules :

Consumption of non-spicy and non-oily food articles, with plenty of fruits, fibers and fluids.

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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