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Kshirabala Thailam


M.R.P: ₹185.00
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Kshirabala Thailam

DOSAGE: As directed by the Physician

USAGE:Apply body oil liberally on the affected part or whole body and massage gently for 30 minutes to one hour before bath.Oils for hair can be applied on head 30 minutes before bath or as directed by the

S.No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Qty/Tab
1 Tailam Sesamum indicum 10.000 ml
2 Balamulam Sida cordifolia 9.729 g
3 Balamulam Sida cordifolia 0.760 g
4 Ksiram Cow?s milk 40.000 ml


INDICATIONS: Vata and vatasonita

Ksheerabala Thailam is used in the treatment of neuromuscular pains, sciatica pain caused by compression of a spinal nerve root in the lower back, often owing to degeneration of an intervertebral disc affecting the back, hip, and outer side of the leg, , spondylosis which is a painful condition of the spine resulting from the degeneration of the intervertebral discs and paralysis. It relieves pain, stiffness, inflammation, swelling and other symptoms of Vata Dosha. 

It is rejuvenating, which helps to repair the damaged tissue. It also provides nourishment to the nerves, brain, spinal structures, and other connective tissues in the body.

Ksheerabala oil is also used to treat gout a disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid caUses- arthritis, especially in the smaller bones of the feet, deposition of chalk-stones, and acute pain, osteoarthritis, paralysis, muscle pain myalgia and muscular stiffness, ankylosis abnormal stiffening and immobility of a joint due to fusion of the bones, cataract blurred vision, and headache.

Directions for use-
This oil is used for massage, It is also used in the treatment of Dhara Dhara therapy Special Ayurvedic treatments for relaxing the body and mind. The treatment involves creating streams of herbal oils, medicated milk or buttermilk on various parts of the body.
It is also used for gargling, oil pulling and Nasya therapy nasal instillation of drops.

Oral intake of oil, 5-10 drops once or twice a day, usually before food with warm water.

6-10 drops for Nasya.
In Vata this is to be applied warm.

Despite our attempts to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the actual packaging, ingredients and colour of the product may sometimes vary. Please read the label, directions and warnings carefully before use.

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